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How can I cancel an order?
How can I cancel an order?

Customers may need to cancel their orders, If the order has been prepared for shipment cancel requests will not be accepted.

For cancellation requests of unprepared orders, the customer will pay a $35 cancellation fee, if the order hasn't shipped or prepared after 72 working hours (3 business days) the cancellation is for free.

Following the confirmation of your cancellation, refunds will be issued to your original payment method. Upon completion of the payment process, a confirmation email will be sent to you. While refunds are typically processed within 10 working days, it's essential to note that certain banks might have extended refund processing times, a factor beyond Balardi's control.

How to cancel your order:

To cancel an order you must contact our customer service by email ( and request to cancel the order, you must include the order number and the reason why you want to cancel.

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